Falling Film Evaporator Plants

Falling Film Evaporator Plants

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Automatic Grade
MaterialStainless Steel
Max Temperature120 Deg C

In general evaporation takes place inside vertical tubes, but there are also applications where the process fluid evaporates on the outside of horizontal or vertical tubes. In all cases, the process fluid to be evaporated flows downwards by gravity as a continuous film. The fluid will create a film along the tube walls, progressing downwards (falling) – hence the name.

The fluid distributor has to be designed carefully in order to maintain an even liquid distribution for all tubes along which the solution falls. these distributors are usually called ferrules due to their concentric shape. In the majority of applications the heating medium is placed on the outside of the tubes. High heat transfer coefficients are required in order to achieve equally balanced heat transfer resistances. Therefore, condensing steam is commonly used as a heating medium.

For internally evaporating fluids, separation between the liquid phase (the solution) and the gaseous phase takes place inside the tubes. In order to maintain conservation of mass as this process proceeds, the downward vapor velocity increases, increasing the shear force acting on the liquid film and therefore also the velocity of the solution. The result can be a high film velocity of a progressively thinner film resulting in increasingly turbulent flow. The combination of these effects allows very high heat transfer coefficients.

  • Suitable for solutions with viscous liquids
  • High-temperature sensitivity
  • The concentration of herbal extract solutions
  • With the recovery of solvents like methanol, chloroform and hexane
  • Excellent performance
  • Longer functional life
  • Low maintenance